Monday, January 28, 2013

Introducing the Shoebox

The Shoebox

The Shoebox is a recent creation.  Our idea began with the realizations that living abroad brings myriad challenges, that enduring these challenges with a friend is such a blessing, and that much of what we have discovered in recent months might be of benefit to others out there like us.  

 Here is what you should know about us:

  • We are both teachers

  • We love healthy food and exercise

  • We love to travel

  • We are always learning

With these ideas in mind, we decided to keep track of our discoveries, experiments, and workout records in one joint location for our personal growth and knowledge, in addition to providing resources for others.  We have divided our resources as follows:

    • Seoul's Shoebox - A home base location for updates, discoveries, and general information.

    • Shoebox Workouts - A location for workout videos, routines, and resources tested by us in our tiny apartments.  This is also a way for us (and you) to keep track of our progress.

    • Healthy Seoul - A health-food oriented commentary on eating in Korea, along with tips and ideas for a healthy diet and lifestyle.

    • Seoul Food - A collection of recipes tested in a tiny Korean kitchen that have been designed for stovetop baking/cooking.

If you can sympathize with our circumstances, or if you are simply interested in some new ideas for your healthy lifestyle, we hope this resource serves you well.  And if you have any ideas for us, please leave us a comment!

1 comment:

  1. Grreeeaatt blog idea! I am super interested in what you are sharing! You go girls!! (;
